
Unearthing Knowledge, Empowering Progress



PSSMGE is a Member Society of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)


Unearthing Knowledge, Empowering Progress



PSSMGE is a Member Society of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)

About Us

pssmge iconlogoPHILIPPINE SOCIETY FOR SOIL MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING (PSSMGE) a non-profit organization open to all engineers, academics and contractors involved in geotechnical engineering aimed at the advancement of knowledge in the field of geotechnics and its engineering applications, at the local or international level.
IN June 2018, the ISSMGE Board has approved the application of PSSMGE as a Member Society of the ISSMGE during the meeting at Skopje Macedonia.

About Us

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PHILIPPINE SOCIETY FOR SOIL MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING (PSSMGE) a non-profit organization open to all engineers, academics and contractors involved in geotechnical engineering aimed at the advancement of knowledge in the field of geotechnics and its engineering applications, at the local or international level.
IN June 2018, the ISSMGE Board has approved the application of PSSMGE as a Member Society of the ISSMGE during the meeting at Skopje Macedonia.

Our Objectives

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To collaborate with public, private entities (bodies) and educational or scientific institutes related to Geotechnical Engineering
To promote and regularly organize congresses, seminars, symposia, workshops, conferences and any other scientific – technical meeting within regional or international sector in order to extend its results.
To establish agreements with State, national or international entities endorsing geotechnical development through research coordination or program activities promoted by PGS
To be a member of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), to maintain the affiliation with ISSMGE and others of the same orientation and objectives by collaborating with these Society Committees.

Our Objectives

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To collaborate with public, private entities (bodies) and educational or scientific institutes related to Geotechnical Engineering
To promote and regularly organize congresses, seminars, symposia, workshops, conferences and any other scientific – technical meeting within regional or international sector in order to extend its results.
To establish agreements with State, national or international entities endorsing geotechnical development through research coordination or program activities promoted by PGS
To be a member of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), to maintain the affiliation with ISSMGE and others of the same orientation and objectives by collaborating with these Society Committees.

Elected Officers (Year 2021-2025)

Mark Albert H. Zarco, Ph.D.
Mark Albert H. Zarco, Ph.D.President
Roy Anthony C. Luna, MSCE
Roy Anthony C. Luna, MSCEVice-President
Jose Carlo Eric L. Santos, MSCE
Jose Carlo Eric L. Santos, MSCESecretary
Mark K. Morales, MSCE
Mark K. Morales, MSCETreasurer


Alexis Philip A. Acacio, D.Eng.
Jonathan R. Dungca, Ph.D.
Mary Ann Q. Adajar, Ph.D.
Benjamin R. Buenasuceso, Jr., D.Eng.
Brian B. Tan, MSCE


Salvador F. Reyes, Ph.D.
Dennes T. Bergado, D.Eng.
Emil M. Morales, MSCE
Ikuo Towhata, D.Eng.
Deep Knowledge, Strong Foundations
Digging Deeper, Building Smarter